Thursday, November 23, 2006

What day is it?

I keep checking this blog to see if there are any new entries, and of course there aren't because I haven't written them.

We're all a bit week 6ish and trying to make masks. Mine is in the process of going horribly wrong. For some reason it hasn't stuck properly. Did Jacques ever have problems with glue? I don't think so.

And it's been raining. Grrr.

There are many other lecoqbloggers afoot. Check out

and apparently there's a myspace one too, but I don't do myspace. I'm already wasting enough time on the internet as it is.

The first years are doing L'Exode at the moment. I overheard two having a serious conversation that went something like this.
...'but, I think it's a bit more serious, Exodus, than someone just going out for a little walk. I think there's more urgency in them going'.

I think so too.

Apparently a few years ago there was a group who started their with the neutral mask playing a game of volley ball on a beach. Perhaps they were planning to continue with a game of hide and seek in the forest and
grandmothers footsteps up the mountain, but sadly, they never got that far and were okay mercied early on in the game. Literally.


Blogger Ed said...

Now tell me - can you watch the embedded video in mimethis.blogspot? And if you can, how come you couldn't watch mine of Jacob? I shall have to try harder.

5:01 am  

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