Monday, November 27, 2006


Ahh, what bliss! We're doing masks again. After all my fears that it wouldn't work my mask, apparently, does play, so I'm very chuffed and all geared up to make another one. In fact, all in all, it's a good lot. No real horrors.

Poor Joss came into teach us even though he had a bery bad colb. It seemed to have gone right through to his hair which was standing up at unimaginable angles. He still gave a very good teacher. Ahh, if I could be a teacher like him, how happy I would be! Or an actor.

Its such a lovely thing to be able to do, to make a mask. It's one of those things, a bit like quiche, that you think will be really difficult to make, but in fact is very simple.

Mask au lecoq

(serves 1-33 drama students)

1 broadsheet
1 large piece of clay
wallpaper paste
tarlatan or craft paper (opptional)

Take one newspaper, shred.
Mix wallpaper paste in a bowl. Leave aside.
Mould a large piece of clay into a face shape. Be careful not to make it too flat or it won't play. Look at it from all angles at you make it and turn it up and down to see where the light falls. When throughly blended cover with vaseline.

Take the bowl of wallpaper paste and the morcels of newspaper. Cover each side of each segment of paper with the paste and then place in layers on your face mould. If you have time you can leave the layers to dry between additions, if not don't worry. If you want to make it tougher you can add a layer of tarltan or craft paper.

Set aside for two days in a warm, dry place and then, carefully remove from the mould.

Paint, not too brightly, usually in skin tones.

Finally, make holes for the eyes and at the side for the elastic to go through. Attach the elastic and volia! One delightful mask, suitable for all occasions.

top with basil and grated parmesan to serve.


Blogger Ed said...

hmm - sounds like a good recipie for christmas fun at the hayses.

i love this blog by the way. its sooo much more dynamic than mine is at the moment.

5:31 am  

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