Thursday, May 03, 2007

another thursday night

I've started an awful lot of entries on this blog by saying how tired we all are, so I think I won't tonight. Instead I'll just let you know that I'm eating cheese and drinking wine and that should just about let you know where I am. We're all having difficulties moving from clown in a 'number' situation to clown in 'la vie quoditian'. It's quite a big jump I think. Tomorrow I think will be interesting. I think we're quite near something good, but perhaps not near enough. Yes quite a long way from near enough. Fingers crossed pleased.

I want some chocolate.

We are about to leave clown and have started doing burlesque in classes with Jos. And it really is his baby. He told us today that he introduced it to the school and that it wasn't taught here before he came here. His eyes light up when he's teaching and he laughs and laughs.


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