Saturday, May 05, 2007


I'm typing with nail polish drying on my fingers which is always exciting while waiting for a student to arrive, the last one canceled at the last minute because she got the time wrong!! How appropriate then...


by Carol Ann Duffy

Love's time's beggar, but even a single hour,
bright as a dropped coin, makes love rich.
We find an hour together, spend it not on flowers
or wine, but the whole of the summer sky and a grass ditch.

For thousands of seconds we kiss; your hair
like treasure on the ground; the Midas light
turning your limbs to gold. Time slows, for here
we are millonaires, backhanding the night

so nothing dark will end our shining hour,
no jewel hold a candle to the cuckoo spit
hung from the blade of grass at your ear,
no chandelier or spotlight see you better lit

than here. Now. Time hates love, wants love poor,
but love spins gold, gold, gold from straw.

Isn't that fantastic. There's just no one holds a candle to her as far as I'm concerned. I'm going to be spending a few hours of my life watching spiderman 3 later today. Very highbrow, but we all need it. Why are we so droopy? J**** says its the end of two hard years. But that's a bit nonsensical. We only work in the afternoons after all and rolling around with a red nose on can't really be described as 'work'.


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