Sunday, December 03, 2006

An amendment

A friend who reads my blog told me indignantly that I had to change a previous entry. 'Susannah is not the one of the profs who is hatchet-faced!'

And she's quite right. Though Susannah did look extremely inimpressed by our attempts at melodrama the first time we met her, as I said then, first impressions are often mistaken, and in this instance so was I.

At the moment we are producing our free-ist and best impros for Susannah. After thursdays class with Paola in dragon mode, we all released with a whoosh in Susannah's and there was some fantastic work.

There are two things that she does specifically to produced this:- one, she doesn't immediately stop an impro if someone does something not juste as Paola would, she lets in run on and often it turns into something really good. Two, she genuinely enjoys what we're doing and I feel that rather than being frustrated by our crapness there is a joy and a pleasure for her in watching us work. A sense of fun and play and amusment. Respect.

So I take it all back. She's not hatchet faced at all. She's lovely.


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