Saturday, March 10, 2007

Spanish Time

As an inherently late person I absolutely cannot complain about the timekeeping of others. I tend to be slightly relieved when other people are late in an, it's not just me kind of way. I am relatively organised.

Perhaps then it's churlish of me to be a little alarmed about having two of our Spanish boys S**** and A**** running the soiree. They've both grown their hair very long and moustaches at the moment and looked like two of the three musketeers as they lounged behind the desk getting propositions for the soiree.

We became an unbridled rabble, chatting loudly, eating and wandering around to have little talks with people on the other side of the room about how many scenes we could seriously work on and which should be jettisoned already. I have already cut my five down to four, and may cut again by the end of the day. You can only sensibly propose a few things or you won't have enough time to do any of them justice. Even if you have time to work on them other people won't.

I'm just a little afraid that under their Mediterranean management relaxation will reach a point where the whole thing will arrive a day or two late.

I am starting a movement early for the next soiree. S**** McG**** for President (or should I call you Rose?). We need her English pink-and-white-efficiency up front.
'Ahem, excuse me everyone. I'm not just sitting up here for my own amusement you know. Could everybody please listen to me? Right. This is what's going to happen...'. The Soiree will be run with clockwork efficiency.

McG**** for President! C'mon everyone, join in with me, McG**** for President! You know it's right.


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